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1, to avoid the water, thereaction tank mixture of a total transmission, to avoid a mixture of differentmedia, to avoid the liquid medium, oil and compressed air, a total loss, evenif the tank is dehydrated, special attention should be paid to dehydration;
2, cross connect. Thefloating roof of the floating roof tank is connected with the tank wall.Pipelines and valves, flow meters, filters, pumps, tanks using the insulationmaterial or corrosion when to cross connect.
3, grounding. Storage tank,to be grounded, you can mine grounding body.
4, control media injection.Should be from the bottom of the tank into the media, as far as possible toavoid the top of the tank from the tank into the. If the loss is to be injectedfrom the top of the tank, the outlet of the pipe should be inserted into thetank and the depth should be 200mm;
5, control the flow ofmedia. The bigger the flow rate is, the more likely it is to generate staticelectricity. Reactor oil in the pipeline safety flow rate v=0.8 (1/d) 1/2 (D isthe diameter of the pipe, V represents the average flow rate).
6, filled with inert gas. Inthe tank, the nitrogen content is protected, the nitrogen content in the tankis reduced, and the oil surface in the tank can not form an explosive mixturegas, even if the electrostatic discharge spark can be generated in the tank,and the safety of the storage tank can be guaranteed;
7, adding antistaticadditive. Adding antistatic additive, greatly increases the conductivity of themedium, so that the static charge inside the medium can not accumulate, quicklythrough the ground to the earth.
8, installation ofelectrostatic eliminator. Static eliminator is installed at the end of thepipeline, pipe injection and oil in charge of opposite polarity charge, thecharge neutralization to eliminate static electricity.
9, the installation ofelectrostatic. After the reactor is in the filter, the fluid enters the storagetank, and the position of the tank is installed.
10, the reactor() control ofthe human body static electricity generation and elimination of human static.On the tank personnel (sampling, measurement, etc.) to touch the human bodyelectrostatic device. To wear anti-static clothing.
